Get The Help You Need From A Rosacea Treatment Specialist NYC

Treatments for rosacea can help to reduce facial redness, improve red patches or blemishes, and give your skin a clearer appearance. Patients suffering from rosacea may feel self-conscious and, in some circumstances, experience discomfort and irritation as a result of their condition. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments from a rosacea specialist NYC to help you reduce the signs of facial redness and other common symptoms associated with the disorder.

Does Rosacea Need To Be Referred To A Specialist?

YES! Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that requires specialist dermatological care and treatment. The term “rosacea” refers to a group of conditions with similar features: erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (or ETR), papulopustular rosacea (PPR) and phymatous rosacea. Erythema, flushing and blushing are characteristic features of all types of rosacea. While these “flushes” may look similar to the redness caused by acne vulgaris or sensitive skin, they are not related to either condition. Treatment needs to be tailored to the individual condition that underlies the redness, flushing and blushing.

Dermatologists specialise in skin conditions of all kinds. The term “dermato-” originates from the Greek word for skin. Dermatologists are medical doctors who have undertaken extra training in dermatology to gain expertise in diagnosing and managing a wide range of common and uncommon skin conditions. Rosacea is a chronic condition, so it is important to have continued support from rosacea treatment specialists NYC.

At Downtown Dermatology, we use the most advanced state-of-the-art technology to treat rosacea as well as other skin conditions such as acne and stretch marks. With our dedicated team, you can be sure that your skin will receive the personalized treatment it needs to look its best.

How Rosacea Laser Treatment NYC Can Help You

Our treatments are designed to reduce the appearance of redness, dilated blood vessels in the face, spots, and blemishes caused by rosacea. Among the procedures available are:

1. Intense pulse light (IPL) – This procedure uses high-intensity filtered light which is projected through a special lens. It treats the blood vessels in the skin’s surface, resulting in reduced redness and less noticeable facial veins.

2. Laser hair removal– This treatment permanently reduces unwanted facial hair caused by hormonal changes related to rosacea. Rosacea laser treatment NYC patients often have excess hair on their face, which can make their skin appear more irritated and red.

3. Pulsed dye laser (PDL) – This treatment is used to treat dilated blood vessels on the face, particularly those around the nose and cheeks. The pulsed dye laser emits a burst of energy at a specific wavelength that can be targeted at the affected area in order to destroy the blood vessels.

Leaving Rosacea Untreated

What happens if rosacea is left untreated? Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects the face and, in some rare cases, the body. A red or pink ruddy rash with spider veins (telangiectasia) and tiny swollen bumps (papules), typically around the eyes and nose, characterizes rosacea. Left untreated, rosacea can lead to disfiguring facial lesions.

Rosacea typically flares up during the early stages and becomes less severe as it progresses to later stages. Some cases of rosacea may be mild, but others can lead to serious complications such as swelling of the nose (rhinophyma), burning or stabbing pain, and poor vision. More research is needed to determine what stage rosacea is in for those who have the condition.

In addition, there is no cure for rosacea. Treatment options from a rosacea specialists NYC include antibiotics, spironolactone, laser surgery, and cosmetic surgery to remove facial lesions. See a rosacea specialist NYC and find the best treatment for your condition.

Surgery can help reduce visible symptoms associated with rosacea by improving blood flow around the nose and clearing blocked pores. However, these procedures come with side effects and may not fully resolve the condition.

What Are The Stages Of Rosacea?

Four stages of rosacea have been described by Dr. Richard Odom, a leading rosacea expert and former chairman of dermatology at the University of California Davis. His four stages include:

Stage I

Rosacea is characterized by flushing and blushing episodes.

Stage II

Persistent redness that may develop into persistent bumps on the face may be present in the second stage. Blood vessels may also become visible on the nose and cheeks in Stage II.

Stage III

Lesions grow under the skin in order to replace damaged tissue, mainly around the nose and cheeks.

Stage IV

The nose enlarges (rhinophyma) due to the thickening of tissues surrounding the nose. Severe acne also develops in this stage, along with permanently visible blood vessels on the cheeks and nose.

Rosacea Symptoms Going Away

Will rosacea ever go away? Rosacea can sometimes go away over time, but this only happens in very few cases. In most cases, rosacea is a chronic skin disease and it will be there for the rest of your life. Finding the right rosacea treatment NYC will help in this journey. So if you have rosacea, don’t expect that one day it’s going to vanish miraculously!

In most cases, it’s possible with the help of a rosacea treatment specialist NYC to improve rosacea so that you have fewer symptoms. But the truth is, for most people with rosacea this improvement never makes their skin completely normal again. Rosacea always leaves a permanent mark behind on your face. The reason that rosacea doesn’t go away over time in most cases is that it’s not just the redness that causes the problem. It’s also all of the other symptoms that come with rosacea, like acne pimples, thickening skin, burning or stinging sensations on the face, and eye problems.

Getting Rid Of Rosacea

Can a dermatologist get rid of rosacea? In a word, no. In fact, there is some disagreement among dermatologists on what rosacea is and more importantly how it should be treated. Rosacea can mimic acne vulgaris, which most dermatologists treat, but some treatments for acne make rosacea more irritated and inflamed. As a result, many patients with rosacea go undiagnosed for years.

The fundamental problem with rosacea is the key characteristic redness of the face, which can be exacerbated by sunlight exposure, wind or temperature (cold or hot), spicy food, and any number of stimuli. This leads many patients to think they have “sensitive skin” when in fact they actually have rosacea. If you have any of the predisposing factors listed below it would be wise to visit Downtown Dermatologist so they can determine if you actually have rosacea. The four most common presentations are:

1) Chronic or Persistent Redness (erythematosus)

This is the most common type of rosacea with no facial flushing. It may include spider veins (telangiectases) on the nose or cheeks, which often go unnoticed.

2) Persistent Facial Flushing (vascular)

The persistent redness associated with this type of rosacea is relieved with facial flushing, which happens without a known trigger. Some people have stinging and burning as part of the flushing. This variation is often confused with acne vulgaris, which it can mimic.

3) Chronic Papules & Pustules (acne-like)

As the name implies, this type of rosacea is reminiscent of acne with red bumps and pustules on the central face. The eyes are often affected as well.

4) Phymatous Rosacea

This is a more advanced form associated with thickening facial skin and enlargement of the nose from excess collagen or fibrous tissue.

The exact cause of rosacea is not known but it is still very important to be evaluated by a rosacea treatment specialist NYC. It does seem to run in families, however, and it may be caused by an abnormal immune response that triggers inflammation. Researchers think people with this inherited condition produce excess amounts of a protein called cathelicidin that makes skin cells produce other chemicals that result in flushing and swelling.

Rosacea Flare Ups

How do you calm down a rosacea flare up? That’s a question we hear often from rosacea patients. Many of those who’ve had rosacea for years feel as if they’re in the grip of an ever-worsening storm, and some days it can be hard to believe there may be any light at the end of their personal tunnels. While the best rosacea dermatologist NYC cannot give you a definite answer to that question, we can tell you about some things that appear to help calm rosacea flares in the short term. It may not be quick or easy, but there are some things you can try.

Limit alcohol and caffeine if flushing is your main symptom. To start with, ask yourself whether you’re drinking too much of these ‘hot’ beverages: Coffee, tea, cola drinks, and even some energy drinks contain powerful stimulants that can increase blood flow to the skin. If you’re in one of the categories for which rosacea is listed as a possible side effect, your rosacea treatment specialist NYC may advise you to avoid or limit your caffeine intake. This is important if flushing (redness) is your main symptom.

Reduce stress if flushing triggers are not obvious to you. We know that chronic stress can make rosacea symptoms worse because it causes the nervous system to become more active, speeding up your breathing rate and dilating blood vessels in the skin. It also makes you sweat, which clears away protective oils from your face. Reduce your stress levels by practicing the relaxation techniques that work best for you, such as meditation, yoga, and regular exercise (which also combats rosacea’s fatigue factor). Regular acupuncture is another way to reduce stress.

Take good care of your skin when you have a rosacea flare up. When your skin is flaring up it’s even more important to use gentle cleansers, moisturizers and makeup. Rosacea treatment NYC patients should also avoid products that contain any ingredients you don’t thoroughly recognize or know what to do with (like herbal extracts). It makes sense to err on the side of caution when your skin is already sensitive.

What Happens When You Get A Rosacea Flare Up?

Even the best rosacea dermatologist NYC doesn’t know exactly what causes individual attacks of flushing, blushing, redness, and visible blood vessels (telangiectasia), which are the visible signs of rosacea. But there’s plenty of evidence that they’re brought on by a combination of factors. These include flushing triggers such as spicy foods, alcohol, fever, hot weather, and sun exposure; underlying medical conditions like autoimmune disorders; lifestyle factors like stress and sleep deprivation; and the effects of medications.

Conditions Mistaken For Rosacea And Why You Should See A Rosacea Specialist NYC

What can be mistaken for rosacea? Rosacea is a benign facial dermatosis consisting of transient erythema and telangiectasia on the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, and central upper part of the face. It used to be believed that rosacea was restricted to that area of the face but some now believe it may be present anywhere on the body. Therefore, it is important to consider that rosacea may manifest in skin lesions or skin texture changes that are not restricted to the facial area.

For many years, rosacea has been misdiagnosed as acne vulgaris. Researchers at the University of Arizona have used phototrichograms (camera-less standardized skin surface biopsy technique), which document changes in hair follicle size and shape under magnification, to compare the two conditions. The study concluded that there are significant differences between the two conditions, which is why dermatologists recommend that anyone suffering from acne vulgaris should be evaluated by a rosacea specialist before treatment is started. The University of Arizona study concluded that rosacea patients have different-sized follicles than those with acne.

Rosacea can be differentiated from other dermatoses by its age of onset (40-50 years), association with flushing and blushing, sudden flares of symptoms without an obvious cause, telangiectasias, inflammatory papules and pustules, and a histological picture of erythema with telangiectasia.

Skin manifestations that may be mistaken for rosacea include:

Acne vulgaris*, seborrhoeic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, erythema multiforme, erythema nodosum, purpura (guttate or papular), lupus erythematosus, rosacea photodistributed, polymorphic light eruption, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

* Acne vulgaris may be distinguished from rosacea by the presence of comedones and concomitant involvement of other areas on the face as well as the trunk.

Foods To Avoid If You Have Rosacea

What foods to avoid if you have rosacea? We all know that foods with high content of calories lead to obesity, diabetes, and other diseases which can be avoided by controlling our diet. Unfortunately, this is not the case with rosacea. There are some common food items people think are good for face skin but they are actually harmful. Any rosacea treatment specialist NYC will recommend you should try avoiding them if you have rosacea. Here is a list of such foods:

1) Caffeine

Caffeine is one of the most popular drinks but it can lead to rosacea. The reason for this is caffeine stimulates blood vessels and speeds up heart rate which leads to facial flushing and the appearance of rosacea symptoms. Also, caffeine restricts blood flow to your face and also leads to dehydration.

2) Spicy Food  

Spicy food leads to irritation which is a major symptom of rosacea. So stay away from them if you want to control this condition completely.

3) Alcohol   

Alcohol can be one of the reasons for rosacea although no one has proved it yet. Nevertheless, avoid them if you already have rosacea.

4) Yogurt

People with rosacea should try avoiding yogurt because it contains lactose which is another major cause of this condition. Instead, you can eat foods that are rich in probiotics like kefir, kimchi, etc.

5) Carbonated drinks   

Carbonated beverages like soda, beer, etc. are a major cause of rosacea because these contain carbon dioxide which can lead to irritation and increased flushing.

6) Fatty Foods  

Although there is no specific study about it, fatty foods increase oil production in your face which is one of the main causes of rosacea. So stay away from them if you want to control this condition completely.

7) Tomato   

Although there is no proof that tomatoes can be a major cause of rosacea, some people have found it as the only reason for their condition.

8) Chocolate   

Chocolate contains caffeine which is a major cause of rosacea so stay away from them as far as possible.

9) Dairy products    

Dairy products are also a major cause of rosacea because they contain lactose which is another main reason for rosacea.

10) High-sugar foods    

High sugar foods like candies, cakes, etc. contain lots of carbohydrates which is bad for your health in many ways and also can be one of the reasons for rosacea. So stay away from them if you want to control this condition completely.

11) Fried foods    

Fried foods are one of the major causes of rosacea because they contain lots of calories which can increase weight and also contain trans fats. So stay away from them if you want to control this condition completely.

12) Vegetable oil    

Vegetable oil is also one of the main causes of rosacea because it contains trans-fats which clog up your blood vessels and does not let them work properly, resulting in facial flushing and other symptoms of rosacea. So stay away from them if you want to control this condition completely.

13) Nuts and seeds    

Stay away from nuts and seeds because they contain high amounts of omega 6 fatty acid which increases facial flushing and other symptoms of rosacea.

Seeing A Dermatologist And Rosacea Treatment Specialist NYC

Is it worth seeing a dermatologist specializing in rosacea NYC? If you are suffering from rosacea, I am sure that you have asked yourself this question more than once. The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that there are many reasons why seeing a dermatologist specializing in rosacea NYC is important if you have rosacea. A dermatologist can help to diagnose your condition and give you a treatment plan that is best suited to your individual needs. A rosacea treatment specialist NYC will also be able to tell you whether or not they think there are any pre-existing conditions, such as lupus, which could be triggering your symptoms. Not only that but seeing a dermatologist for your rosacea symptoms could lead to other symptoms or conditions being detected. 

However, it is important to note that seeing a rosacea specialist NYC is not just about the physical examination and diagnosis. They can also provide useful advice on other aspects of life with rosacea that you might find helpful, such as what makeup to use or how to deal with certain situations that might make your symptoms worse.

Rosacea Suddenly Appearing

Why do I suddenly have rosacea? A trigger is anything that makes your rosacea flare up. Hairspray and sunlight are two typical rosacea triggers. Heat, stress, alcohol, and spicy foods are all common causes. Any rosacea specialists NYC will tell you that triggers are different for everyone. Your dermatologist can identify your individual triggers and give you specific advice to avoid them. Often, gradually exposing yourself to a trigger will help you learn how to control it or live with it more easily. Avoiding facial expressions that cause flushing is another way people successfully cope with their triggers.

Medication is also available for rosacea, but it is most effective when the triggers are identified and avoided. The majority of people with rosacea cannot pinpoint their own specific triggers. This makes avoidance more difficult. Some people whose rosacea tends to be triggered by heat are able to control their condition by practicing good skincare habits in hot weather, staying out of the sun, wearing a wide-brimmed hat to block the sun from the face, and avoiding heavy exercise outdoors during the midday heat.

Rosacea can also be triggered by emotional stress. People who have this type of rosacea may notice that their condition flares up at certain times, such as before an important event, during significant life changes (such as puberty or menopause), after a stressful situation (in traffic jams, for example) or when they are reacting to something that displeases them.

Dermatologists often prescribe oral antibiotics to treat rosacea. However, there is some evidence that certain oral antibiotics may trigger flare-ups in rosacea, particularly in people who have rosacea triggered by heat. For some people, it may be helpful to talk with a psychologist to find strategies for managing or avoiding triggers. Your dermatologist can offer you guidance for avoiding personal triggers and medications that will help control the symptoms of rosacea. There is no one treatment that will work for everyone, so it is important to work closely with a rosacea specialist NYC to determine the best way to manage your rosacea.

Rosacea Flare-Ups

How long do rosacea flare-ups last? The length of time that a rosacea flare-up lasts varies widely. Some people experience only occasional flares while others have long periods where their skin is relatively clear, punctuated by sudden flaring. Despite the wide range of experiences reported by rosacea patients, there are certain factors that seem to influence how long it takes for one flare to subside before the next begins, as well as the severity of each flare.


There are no studies that have found a definitive relationship between age and how long rosacea flares last, but anecdotal evidence suggests that younger people tend to have more frequent breakouts than older individuals. This is not surprising considering the fact that the majority of sufferers are aged 30 or above.

Hormonal changes

The role that hormones play in rosacea flare-ups is not well understood, but it is known that these unwelcome eruptions occur more frequently in women than men (up to 70% of women with rosacea report monthly flaring). We also know that rosacea tends to be more severe in women than men.

There is some evidence that dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a by-product of the male hormone testosterone, is involved in this process. DHT is found at high concentrations inside sebaceous glands, which are located just below the skin’s surface and secrete sebum, an oily substance that lubricates the skin and hair. It’s thought that DHT stimulates these glands to produce more oil than they should, with this excessive sebum production – in conjunction with genetic susceptibility and environmental triggers such as sun exposure – contributing to rosacea symptoms.

Significantly, treatment with a drug called finasteride, which reduces DHT levels by up to 70%, has been shown to improve symptoms in men with acne or enlarged prostates, suggesting that there is a role for this hormone even beyond the scope of rosacea.

It’s unknown whether birth control pills have an influence on rosacea flare-ups because there are no studies looking at the issue. If you’re considering the pill to manage acne, speak with your doctor about whether it might be helpful for your rosacea too; if you’ve started taking it and notice that your symptoms flare up more often or become more severe, talk to your doctor about other management options.

Conversely, some women report experiencing fewer rosacea flare-ups during pregnancy and while they are on birth control pills.

Seasonal changes

People whose rosacea tends to flare up in certain seasons often report improvement during other times of the year; it’s thought that this relates to seasonal changes in the climate, with some sufferers noting that symptoms appear or intensify when humidity levels fall (winter) or when the weather becomes warmer and more humid (summer).

Irritation from washing, shaving, wearing makeup or contact lenses, exercising, being in a windy environment, or hot showers can all exacerbate rosacea symptoms. In addition to avoiding these factors where possible, you may find that using a humidifier at home and keeping bedroom and bathroom humidity levels high (around 50%) reduces your rosacea flare-ups.

While the way rosacea flares up are highly variable, most people find that their condition follows a pattern; this means it’s possible to predict when another attack will occur. This knowledge can help you plan accordingly and avoid certain triggers if necessary. However, if your rosacea flares up without any apparent warning, this may be a sign that you’re experiencing an underlying trigger such as an infection, medicated product, or dietary supplement.

If you become aware of a pattern to your flare-ups and begin using this information to manage your condition, don’t let it lead to complacency; rosacea is a chronic condition and you can’t control your rosacea completely, even when you know how it will react.

Four Types Of Rosacea Evaluated By A Rosacea Specialist NYC

Approximately 16 million Americans are believed to have rosacea, but the disorder is often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. This may be due in part to the fact that doctors consider at least four different types of rosacea. In addition, each type may have different symptoms and require different treatment under the direction of a rosacea specialist NYC.

What Are The Four Types Of Rosacea?

The four types of rosacea are erythematotelangiectatic (ETR), papulopustular (PPT), phymatous, and ocular. Each type has unique characteristics.

What Are The Signs Of Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea?

Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea is characterized by flushing and persistent central facial redness. There may also be enlargement of the nose (rhinophyma). Pimples, bumps, blisters, and red welts appear on the face and eyelids. ETR can progress into an advanced stage called granulomatous rosacea where the skin has a bumpy texture.

What Are The Signs Of Papulopustular Rosacea?

Papulopustular rosacea is characterized by redness with bumps and pimples on the face, chin, cheeks, and nose. Rosacea on the neck; chest; back; scalp; ears or eyes (ocular rosacea).

What Are The Signs Of Phymatous Rosacea?

Phymatous rosacea causes a thickening of the skin, enlargement, and increased wrinkling. The nose may become bulbous in appearance (rhinophyma). Phymatous rosacea tends to be more resistant to treatment than ETR or PPT.

What Are The Signs Of Ocular Rosacea?

Ocular rosacea is characterized by inflammation of the eyes and eyelids. It is one of the leading causes for chronic red, crusty eye problems. While it can occur without other signs and symptoms of rosacea, it usually appears as a rosacea symptom as well.

Ocular rosacea can be extremely frustrating because blepharitis (eyelid inflammation) can exist for years without being noticed. Itching, redness, and burning are the most common symptoms of ocular rosacea.