I have acne! Is it okay to wear makeup?

Need to use acne medication? Want to wear makeup? Apply the acne medication first. Yes, you can wear makeup, but you’ll want to choose it carefully. Some cosmetics can cause acne. When this happens, you develop a type of acne called acne cosmetica. Even women who would not otherwise have acne can develop acne cosmetica … Continued

Stubborn acne? Hormonal therapy may help

Women who have acne along their jawline and lower face tend to have good results from hormonal therapy for acne. Do you continue to see acne along your lower face, jawline, and neck despite trying all sorts of acne treatments? Have you taken an antibiotic to treat your acne and been disappointed with the results? … Continued

Natural treatments for skin cancer not as safe as you think

Shopping for a home remedy to cure skin cancer: People are often unaware of how harmful these all-natural remedies can be. It’s said that every story has two sides. This is certainly true when it comes to vitamins, herbs, and other natural treatments for skin cancer. When shopping for natural skin cancer remedies, you’ll often … Continued

Cosmeceuticals and Your Skin

A cosmeceutical is a unique type of skin care product. Many diverse products fit into this category. Cosmeceuticals include: Anti-aging products that can reduce wrinkles, smooth rough skin and brighten skin tone Creams and lotions that can lighten skin Sunscreen What all these products have in common is the ability to change your skin in … Continued

Lupus and Your Skin

Lupus is an autoimmune disease, a condition in which your body’s immune system attacks healthy cells. Lupus can affect many organs in your body, including your skin. The skin is affected in approximately two-thirds of people who have lupus. Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) flare WHAT IS LUPUS? There are many types of lupus, and each … Continued

Skin Biopsy: Patient Care Tips

Your dermatologist has recommended a biopsy to help diagnose your skin disease. This tip sheet will provide you with information about what to expect before, during and after your procedure. Review this information and follow any personalized directions from your dermatologist. WHAT IS A BIOPSY? To diagnose some skin diseases, a dermatologist performs a skin … Continued

What can make my hands look younger?

If age spots, wrinkly skin, or other signs of aging bother you, you can have more youthful-looking hands. Thanks to advances in dermatology, it’s possible to diminish these signs of aging safely and with little or no downtime. Age spots Many adults develop age spots on their hands. These spots tend to gradually increase in … Continued

Could a moisturizer help clear your acne?

When creating an acne treatment plan, dermatologists sometimes include a moisturizer. Acne can cause your skin to feel oily and greasy, so a moisturizer may be the last thing you’d think of trying. A moisturizer, however, may be just what you need if you’re using one of the following acne treatments: Benzoyl peroxide Salicylic acid … Continued

Is that stubborn acne really acne?

Pimple-like breakouts around the mouth: This may look like acne, but it’s actually a skin condition called perioral dermatitis — not acne. If you have acne that just won’t go away, you may want to take a closer look at your skin. It’s possible that you don’t have acne. Other skin conditions can look a … Continued

Skin reactions from targeted therapy deserve attention

Skin reaction from targeted therapy: Caught early, many skin reactions can be treated so that you don’t have to stop targeted therapy. Are you receiving targeted therapy to treat skin cancer — or any other cancer? If so, dermatologists recommend that you pay close attention to your skin. Skin reactions are the most common side … Continued

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