After extensive training, Dr. Gilberto Alvarez del Manzano is well versed in diagnosing and treating dermatologic skin conditions. Dr. Manzano serves on the faculty at NYU, where he shares his experience and skills with the dermatology residents there.


acne treatment

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, and it can affect anyone. Acne patients can range from teens to adults. Acne can be an irritating condition to deal with, especially for adults. Knowing this, our doctors treat each patient as a priority. Acne can be an annoying condition because it can show up almost anywhere.

The most common place to find acne is on the face, but it can pop up on the back, neck, shoulders, upper arms, chest, and butt. Acne can also present differently. It could be any size, from small clogged pores like whiteheads to blackheads or painful large cysts. There are many treatment options for acne. Our doctors will assess your acne and create a personalized regimen to treat it.


Actinic keratoses or AKs are found on the surface layer of the skin. Constant exposure to the sun causes these lesions. They can form anywhere on your skin that has seen a lot of sun. The most common places to find AKs are the face, hands, neck, and arms.

It possible for some of these lesions to turn into squamous cell carcinomas. If this happens, removal is the best option. Our doctors will examine your lesions and then discuss your best treatment options. These options may include different creams to destroy the lesions.



Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema. It is a skin condition where the skin is dry and itchy and often presents a red rash. It is most common in children and babies. It can also affect people who have a family history of allergies and asthma, but the cause of this condition is not known, and there is no cure. While there is no cure, there are treatments that will help control it.

Using moisturizing lotions, staying away from harsh soaps, and abstaining from scratching, can help treat and manage this condition. Our dermatologist will examine your skin and then discuss the best treatment options for you. Then they will prescribe medications that will help ease the discomfort that comes with atopic dermatitis. You must listen to the doctor and use the medication as prescribed because it will help prevent infection in the secondary layer of skin that often occurs from constant scratching.


When the skin becomes inflamed due to contact with a foreign substance, it is called contact dermatitis. Many substances can cause this condition. The most common are poison ivy, cleaning products, cosmetics, fragrances, detergents, and latex rubber.

If your skin has come in contact with these substances and it causes a bad reaction, you may experience a rash, blistering, dryness, itching, and more in that area. In most cases, once you are no longer in contact with the substance, these symptoms will subside. There are cases where patients experience continued discomfort and blistering and will require topical and or oral medication.


Genital warts or condyloma are common among those that have HPV or the human papillomavirus. This virus is spread through being sexually intimate with someone that has it. HPV can spread even if the person infected doesn’t have visible warts. Because HPV can be asymptomatic, many people with the virus don’t know that they have it. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.

While there are more than 100 types of HPV, not all of them cause genital warts. Not all genital warts caused by HPV will look the same. Certain types of HPV can cause cervical cancer. A woman who has or had HPV, or has a partner with HPV, should speak with her gynecologist. Getting rid of genital warts can be difficult, but our dermatologist will help you decide on the best treatment for you.


A chronic skin condition that causes patches of skin to become scaly and itchy is called eczema. The different types of eczema are:

  • atopic darmatitis
  • contact dermatitis
  • dyshidrotic eczema
  • nummular eczema

Atopic dermatitis eczema is the most common, and it runs in families. If a person has eczema, they will most likely experience asthma or hay fever. It is most common in children and infants as people often outgrow it as they get older. But even though they outgrow it, flare-ups can happen, and the eczema may be worse than before.

Eczema may become worse if your skin is dry and comes in contact with rough material, fragrances, and experiencing allergies, stress, and an illness. To best manage eczema having a skincare regimen at home is crucial. Treating eczema may include using anti-inflammatory products to help quell any itching and stop symptoms.


Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is a condition where patients sweat a massive amount. This condition can affect your whole body or certain areas. The underarms are the most common to experience hyperhidrosis, but the hands and feet can also be affected. Excessive moisture can cause a lot of problems.

Not only can it cause the skin to become irritated, but it also wreaks havoc on a person’s self-esteem. They may become self-conscious or embarrassed because of the constant sweating. This condition can be treated through injections or topical medications.



A full-body scan can tell you a lot about a patient’s body. It can tell your dermatologist about any potential skin growths that may need to be examined further.

If you need a scan, please let our dermatologist know so we may provide you with a gown.


Hair loss or alopecia can affect both men and women regardless of their ages. When only one patch of the hair is missing, it is called alopecia areata, which is mostly found in children. If a person is losing their hair all over their head, it is called generalized hair loss, and there may be an underline cause for it.

An illness, certain medications, or stress can cause hair loss. As you age, whether you are male or female, a certain amount of hair loss is expected, but sudden hair loss can cause anxiety. To understand the reason behind hair loss, a dermatologist needs to know your history, do a physical examination and do a blood test.



Red bumps and welts on the skin that are itchy or burning are hives. Hives can have many different causes. An allergic reaction to medication, food, insect bites, or an infection can cause hives.

Usually, hives will go away on their own. Until they do, hives can be quite bothersome. Oral medications can give you some relief from the symptoms.


A deadly form of skin cancer is called melanoma. When the skin cells that make melanin don’t act normal and turn cancerous, then skin cancer is born. A common sign is a mole that changes. If you have a mole that changes over some time or starts bleeding, it needs to be examined immediately.

A dermatologist will examine the lesion and decide if a biopsy is needed or if removal is best. If the cancer is in the later stages, you may need chemotherapy or radiation to kill the cancer cells.


Brown spots on the skin may be a mole, freckles, or skin cancer. These spots should be examined by a dermatologist regularly. Changing moles could be a sign of skin cancer.

To catch it early, a dermatologist needs to examine them. Moles or brown spots can be removed if you decide you don’t like them. The older you get, the longer you have been exposed to the sun, and the more brown spots will develop on your skin.



Redness and scaling skin on your elbows, scalp, and needs is psoriasis. Psoriasis is a common skin condition. Some people with psoriasis will also have lesions on their body while others will only have psoriasis on their feet and hands. Some people with this condition will have thick red skin with scaly patches. Anyone of any age can get psoriasis, but it usually affects people from the ages of 15 to 35.

There is no cure for this condition. Any psoriasis treatment is focused on reducing the size of the lesions and easing the symptoms. Our doctors can speak with you about your treatment options. These options may include topical medications, phototherapy, or injections.


Rashes happen to both adults and children. A rash may itch, or it may not. Many things can cause a change in your skin. Medications, infections, foods, and vaccines can all change the way your skin looks and feels. Children dealing with atopic eczema will probably have scaly and itchy rashes.

Most rashes will go away on their own, but if they don’t and are causing discomfort, a dermatologist needs to be consulted. If the rash causes any blisters or the area is wet and oozing, the area could be infected, and a dermatologist needs to be contacted immediately.



A chronic skin condition that makes the skin red with small bumps and broken blood vessels is called rosacea. This skin condition comes with red pimples, lines, visible blood vessels, dry or burning skin, and it can make you redden easily.

While it can happen to anyone, people who are light-skinned, have light hair, and are between the ages of 30 and 50 are commonly affected. It can be treated with both topical and oral medications. And the redness and broken blood vessels that come with rosacea can be treated with a laser.


The most common cancer in the US is skin cancer, and anyone can get it. The most common types are basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. Usually, skin cancer is caused by long-term exposure to the sun and using tanning beds. If there are sudden changes in the skin or new growths, a dermatologist specializing in medical dermatology should be consulted.

If it is cancer, a dermatologist will recommend the best treatment options for you. It all depends on the type of skin cancer and the location, and your medical history. The most common skin cancer removal method is excision. This method is done in a surgical suite while the patient is under anesthesia.

Surgical methods for the removal or destruction of skin cancer cells are electrodesiccation and curettage, cryotherapy, and Mohs surgery. With these surgical options, some medications can help treat some skin cancers.


When there is a break in the skin, surface bacteria can get in and cause skin infections. If this happens, you may experience redness, swelling, and oozing.

If not treated, the bacteria can get into the blood and cause fevers and fatigue. Usually, you can tell where the source of the infection is. It could be a bite or an injury. Sometimes the break in the skin is not easily visible. Whatever the source of the infection, you should seek treatment as soon as possible.



Skin growths caused by HPV are called warts. There are many strains of HPV, and a lot of them cause warts. Usually, warts can be found on the hands and feet. The strains that cause these warts are not the same strains that cause genital warts.

Some warts may go away without treatment, while some warts may respond to one type of treatment and others won’t. Warts are treated in a variety of ways. Some over-the-counter products that contain salicylic acid are usually work. But nitrogen, acids, or electrodesiccation may also be needed. If the wart is painful or large, then surgery may be recommended.