How A Dermatologist Hair Loss Specialist NYC Can Help

A dermatologist hair loss specialist NYC is able to provide you with a range of options for hair restoration. This can be through medication (which may not always be suitable depending on your individual circumstances), surgical implants or non-surgical methods, such as PRP therapy. The alternatives vary in their success rates and costs, so it’s important that you seek medical advice and create a plan of the most suitable options for you.

Any good dermatologist hair loss specialist NYC will be able to provide expert diagnosis and treatment – using both medication and approaches such as hair transplant surgery or PRP. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognizes hair restoration as an important part of the management of some types of alopecia.

What Is The Best Doctor To See For Hair Loss?

The best doctor to see about hair loss is a dermatologist (or trichologist). A dermatologist has many years of education and can deal with all sorts of skin conditions. They will know the latest treatment options and will be able to take all your other medical history into account when prescribing treatment or medication.

Hair Growth Cycle And Hair Loss In NYC

Hair grows continuously throughout a person’s entire lifetime. Hair is dead, so it doesn’t have a blood supply and the rate of turnover is about 1.25cm per month or 100 micrometers per day.

The actual growth cycle consists of three phases:

  • Anagen – active hair growth In this phase the hair grows at 0.5cm per month or 5 micrometers per day.
  • Catagen – transitional phase This lasts about 2-3 weeks and sees the hair in a resting state.
  • Telogen – resting phase In this phase the hair is in a dormant (resting) waiting and waiting and growing and growing process at 0.5cm per month or 5 micrometers per day. When the new hair starts to grow it pushes out the old hair, which is still resting. It has been found that during this phase people who are seriously ill often lose their entire scalp hair (and body hair too), because of severe stress on the body.

The first one to three years of life is a critical time for hair growth, as the hair is at its fastest growth rate. Each strand of hair usually grows about 6 inches per year. Some people have long hair while others have very short hair because their anagen phase is longer or shorter than average. Other factors including nutrition, thyroid function, medications, and systemic disease can also affect how fast or slow each strand of hair grows.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss occurs when new hair does not grow properly or existing hairs fall out. This can be caused by many factors – some of which are temporary – stress, illness, medications, and hormonal changes – and others that are permanent – such as genetic predisposition.

How Do I Know If My Hair Loss Is Serious?

This is probably the #1 question asked by men suffering from male pattern baldness. If you are asking yourself this same question, there’s a good chance your hair loss isn’t serious right now. On the other hand, if you are experiencing both hair fall and significant visible scalp reduction at the same time, then it might be worth getting a professional opinion from a doctor.

How to determine if your hair loss is serious? Ask yourself these two questions:

1) Am I losing more than 30-50 hairs each time I shampoo my hair?
2) Do I have significant thinning, on the top of my head, receding hairlines, or bald spots?

If you answered “yes” to both questions, then your hair loss may be serious and you should see a doctor.

What Is The Reason For Hair Fall In Females?

There can be various reasons for hair fall in females such as genetics, lack of protein and vitamins, blood circulation problems, etc. Some factors of female baldness are mentioned below.

  • High estrogen level: High levels of estrogen hormone leads to decrease in androgenic hormone which results in hair fall among women. Estrogen is responsible for hair growth in females.
  • Alopecia Areata: This is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system starts destroying its own healthy cells, i.e., papilla (hair bulb) and stem cells under the skin surface.
  • Telogen Effluvium: It is a type of hair loss which occurs due to physical or mental stress . It can occur with fever, childbirth, surgery etc. This may result in thinning and shedding of hair. The reason behind it is a shift from anagen phase into telogen phase.
  • Excessive styling: Styling hair in the wrong way can also cause hair fall. It not only causes breakage of hair but also damages the scalp due to the continuous tension applied on a particular strand of hair.
  • Low-quality shampoo and conditioner: Low-quality shampoo and conditioner always leave the hair dry. It does not prevent hair fall rather it causes hair damage.
  • Wrong choice of hairstyles: The wrong choice of hairstyle can cause hair fall in women. For example, tight ponytails pull on the roots so tightly that they weaken the roots and cause breakage of hair especially when pulled back tightly multiple times. So it is always recommended to make the right choice of hairstyles.
  • Lack of sleep, poor night rest etc.: Sleep also plays an important role in hair growth . It has been seen that people who are not getting proper sleep or rest develop weak roots, which can cause hair fall. So it is suggested to have at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Depression: This is the most common cause of hair loss among women especially in developed countries. The main reason behind it is weak roots and lack of blood circulation.
  • Genetic factors: Genetics play an important role in hair fall. If your parents or any close relative has baldness then you may also have it.
  • Wrong eating habits: Foods rich in protein are very important for proper hair growth. Consuming less protein-rich foods can cause weak roots, which may result in hair fall.
  • Excessive use of dryer, straightener or curling irons: Using heat styling tools on the same strand again and again causes damage due to the high amount of heat produced by these tools. So it is always recommended to use heat styling tools on the lower temperature.
  • Lack of vitamins etc.: Vitamins are very important for proper growth of hair follicles . If your body is not getting the required amount of vitamins then it may cause hair fall.
  • Pollution: Air pollutants can damage the hair follicles leaving them weak and fragile, which again results in hair breakage, damage or loss.
  • Stress etc.: Stress plays an important role in hair fall . It is not only the cause of stress, but it also affects your body internally which can cause problems with proper blood circulation. This is one of the most common causes of hair loss among women.
  • Lack of exercise: Exercising on a daily basis helps in proper development of roots and scalp . It also improves blood circulation and relieves stress . If you are not exercising on a daily basis then it may cause weak roots, which can lead to hair fall.

What Type Of Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

This is a question being asked by many! Most of the time, hair loss or baldness results from hereditary factors. However, there are cases where hair falls out as a result of vitamin deficiencies. We will discuss the different types and causes of vitamin deficiency that can cause hair loss.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is perhaps the most important vitamin in regard to hair loss. This vitamin has many functions within the body including supporting healthy bones by regulating calcium levels in the bloodstream, helping fight cancer cells, and reducing inflammation. However, it is not just people with Vitamin D deficiencies who experience hair loss, studies have indicated that people who are obese and also have a Vitamin D deficiency may experience increased hair loss. This is because the excess fat prevents the vitamin from being absorbed efficiently by the body, which can lead to hair loss or baldness.

Vitamin A and E

Another type of deficiency causing hair loss is vitamin E and Vitamin A deficiency. The human body needs both these vitamins to reproduce and maintain healthy cells. Vitamin A also helps produce sebum, which is an oily substance that moisturizes the scalp and hair and prevents Dandruff. This type of deficiency can cause night blindness as well as dry eyes and a dry mouth.

Vitamin C Deficiency

The final type of vitamin deficiency causing hair loss is Vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C helps regulate the immune system and also enhances iron absorption, which is another part of having healthy hair. A lack of this vitamin can cause fatigue, cracked lips and nose bleeds.

If you are experiencing any type of hair loss or baldness please consult your doctor immediately to get a proper diagnosis and take the necessary steps to treat your condition.

Types Of Hair Loss – Doctors For Hair Loss Specialists NYC Can Help

There are basically two types of hair loss – alopecia and telogen effluvium. Alopecia is a condition that leads to the loss of more than 30% of one’s hair, while telogen effluvium refers to a situation where there is excessive shedding of about 100 hairs daily from the normal amount which is lost.

What Causes Alopecia?

Alopecia is a complex symptom of various diseases. In almost every case there is a disruption in the normal hair growth cycle, involving different organs and tissues in the body. Because of this, alopecia must be carefully diagnosed by a dermatologist or other physician before proceeding with treatment options. These can include hormone replacement therapy for thyroid or pituitary gland disorders, as well as topical and/or oral medications to promote healthy skin and a healthy immune system.

In cases of alopecia areata, the cause is still not completely understood, but it’s thought that a person with a family history of autoimmune disease may be more likely to have this disorder. It is also believed that autoimmune disease may be the result rather than the cause of alopecia areata, with a family predisposition to autoimmunity playing a key role in developing the disorder.

Autoimmune diseases in which alopecia occurs may include type 1 diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid), vitiligo, pernicious anemia, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus erythematosus.

What Are The Different Types Of Alopecias?

There are basically seven specific types of alopecia – androgenetic alopecia, traction alopecia, decubitus ulcers, diffuse hair loss in women, cicatricial (scarring) alopecia (such as discoid lupus erythematosus and other forms of lupus), pseudopelade (or follicular degeneration syndrome), and hair loss secondary to other diseases or drugs.

  • Androgenetic alopecia: Also called common baldness, and sometimes referred to as androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness, and male-pattern hair loss. It is the most common form of alopecia, and it affects up to 50 percent of adult males at some point in their lives.
  • Traction alopecia: Caused by continuous and unrelenting pulling on the hair — especially with rollers or weaves that exert tension across the hair shaft — can result in a loss of follicular activity and permanent scarring.
  • Discoid lupus erythematosus: Also called discoid lupus, this is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin and causes hair loss or damage to existing hair.
  • Pseudopelade of Brocq: Also called persistent vellus hair, this is a disease of the follicles that causes them to miniaturize and sometimes disappear.
  • Cicatricial alopecia: A form of hair loss that results from damage to the hair follicle cells, usually due to an inflammatory skin condition such as lupus or discoid lupus erythematosus.
  • Diffuse hair loss in women: Female-pattern hair loss, also known as female androgenetic alopecia, is a diffuse thinning of the scalp hair in a circular pattern with sparing of the frontal hairline. It affects up to 50 percent of women over the age of 50.
  • Scarring alopecia: Also known as cicatricial, or permanent, hair loss results from damage to the hair follicle cells. The most common causes are burn injuries and scalp infections and scarring caused by lupus erythematosus and discoid lupus.

Hair loss is secondary to other diseases or drugs: Causes include alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, lupus erythematosus, thyroid disease, and excess vitamin A. Note that chemotherapy can often cause a temporary form of baldness called alopecia totalis.

What Causes Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen Effluvium (TE) occurs when the normal hair growth cycle of a resting phase (telogen) and an active phase (anagen) is disrupted, typically due to a physiologic stressor. The trigger causes hair follicles to prematurely shed hairs from the resting phase, which remain in the “club” stage* of the hair follicle until they naturally detach from the rest of the hair.

*The “club” stage is also known as the “telogen germinal unit.” At this point, the hair cannot grow any further and it will remain in this state for about six months to two years before naturally falling out. If the follicle does not detach on its own accord, then daily combing or a deep cleansing shampoo can detach the hair.

What Causes Telogen Effluvium In Women?

Physiological Stressors: These triggers are typically short-lived and only affect the hair in the resting phase of the hair cycle, which usually leads to mild shedding that lasts about three months. Common examples include childbirth, surgery, high fever, crash diets, sleep deprivation, lactation, and extreme physical exertion.

These triggers are typically short-lived and only affect the hair in the resting phase of the hair cycle, which usually leads to mild shedding that lasts about three months. Common examples include childbirth, surgery, high fever, crash diets, sleep deprivation, lactation, and extreme physical exertion. Drugs: The most common prescription drugs that cause hair loss are Proscar (finasteride), Propecia (finasteride), and Avodart (dutasteride). While these medications can help men with enlarged prostates or male pattern baldness, they can also inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is necessary for the conversion of testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

What Causes Telogen Effluvium In Men?

Telogen effluvium in men is most commonly caused by physical stressors on the body, such as:

  • Surgery: Although hair loss and regrowth is a well-known consequence of general anesthesia, the hair loss that follows surgery is typically temporary. However, patients who take medications or supplements that interfere with blood clotting (e.g., aspirin) following surgery run the risk of experiencing diffuse shedding several weeks after their procedure. Patients should always discuss their medications and supplements with their surgeon prior to undergoing any surgical procedure.
  • Medication side-effects: Lots of medications can cause hair loss as a side effect, including cytotoxic (chemotherapy) drugs and others that affect the blood’s ability to clot (e.g., warfarin/Coumadin).
  • Hormonal fluctuations: Hair loss can occur during times of hormonal fluctuation due to pregnancy, birth control pills, childbirth, puberty and menopause. In addition, hair loss can also occur with an imbalance in the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are responsible for transmitting oxygen and nutrients through the body.
  • High fevers: The hair loss associated with high fevers is typically reversible, but in rare cases can result in permanent diffuse shedding after a severe case of shingles or chickenpox.
  • Dietary changes: It’s possible to lose your hair if you change your diet too quickly. Rapidly changing your diet can lead to nutrient deficiency, which is why it’s always recommended to gradually change the way you eat over time.
  • Stress: The relationship between stress and hair loss is particularly common in women, but can affect men as well. Physical or emotional trauma causes the body to activate the sympathetic nervous system (i.e., the body’s fight-or-flight response), which is associated with hair thinning and shedding.

What Are The Different Types Of Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen Effluvium (TE) is typically classified by its rate of onset and pattern of hair loss. Several subtypes exist, but we will focus on three common sub-categories: acute TE, sub-acute TE, and chronic TE.

Acute TE is characterized by a sudden onset of diffuse hair shedding, which may occur after traumatic events to the body, such as childbirth, surgery, or severe infection. While this subtype can be alarming due to its rapid acceleration, hair typically regrows within 3-6 months without treatment.

Sub-acute telogen effluvium occurs several weeks after a triggering event. Hair loss is less intense than in acute TE but may present with similar features. The hair shedding period can last up to 3 months before normal hair growth resumes.

Chronic telogen effluvium begins slowly with mild diffuse hair shedding and progresses slowly over the years until it stabilizes. Hair shedding is most intense during seasonal changes or times of high physical stress, but hair loss is not typically as extreme as seen in acute TE. In some cases, it is the only symptom of a more serious medical condition.

Female Pattern Hair Loss – Female Hair Loss Specialist NYC Can Help

Hair loss in women is caused by a number of genetic and medical factors. The most common cause of hair loss in women is female pattern hair loss (FPHL). For some reason, this type of hair loss seems to strike after menopause, but it can begin at any time following puberty. Hormones and age play a role in many cases of female pattern hair loss.

The hormones estrogen and testosterone govern the growth and rest cycles of your body’s hair. When they’re out of balance, you may experience thinning as well as issues with excessive hair growth (hirsutism). Estrogen is dominant in pre-menopausal women, while testosterone levels are higher in post-menopausal women.

Genetic predisposition also plays a role. There’s evidence that if your mother, sister or grandmother experienced hair loss at an early age, you may be more likely to do so too.

Other potential causes are variations in the levels of your thyroid gland’s hormone, antigens that lead to autoimmune disease, or changes caused by cancer treatments. These are rarer cases. Finasteride is used as a first-line treatment for female pattern hair loss and may be prescribed if other conditions contribute to the condition.

What Are The Signs Of Female Pattern Hair Loss?

The telltale sign of female pattern hair loss is a widening part on the top of your head. Your remaining strands may get finer and shorter, while you lose some volume overall. You might notice fewer hairs in your brush or on your pillow too. When you pull your hair up, you may notice a general thinning in the back of your head.

Can A Dermatologist Help With Female Hair Loss?

Dermatologists can diagnose female pattern hair loss by taking a medical history and performing a physical examination of the scalp. In some cases, they may order blood tests or take a biopsy of the scalp to rule out other possible conditions that could be causing hair loss. For most women with thinning hair, however, diagnosis is based on their medical history alone.

A dermatologist will first perform a physical examination to see if the hair loss is due to another medical condition or illness. He/she will look at your skin, looking for flaky, red areas that might indicate psoriasis or other skin conditions under which women can suffer from hair loss. Your dermatologist will also look at your nails to see if the nail plate is affected by psoriasis, as it can manifest itself with pitting and white lines across the nail plate.

If the hair loss is not related to another disease or condition, then there are several medications that have been proven effective for treating alopecia areata. These medications all come in the form of injections that must be administered by a healthcare professional. Examples include cortisone, diphencyprone (DPCP), and squaric acid dibutylester (SADBE). If you have severe hair loss caused by alopecia areata, your dermatologist may also prescribe a steroid tablet to be taken orally.

If the cause is telogen effluvium, your doctor will tell you to stop any medication or supplements that might be causing it and they may give you an oral steroid to use for one month in order to help with hair regrowth. There is not much in terms of medication for androgenic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness), but your dermatologist may recommend low-level laser therapy to help slow down the loss.

A consultation with a dermatologist can be helpful in diagnosing which form of hair loss you might be experiencing, but it is important to realize that they cannot cure the condition. In addition to a medical consultation, if you have hair loss due to androgenic alopecia (and even some cases of telogen effluvium), your dermatologist might prescribe a cosmetic camouflage product called Toppik in order to help blend with existing hair and make it look thicker. These products come in different forms including fibers, concealers, and sprays. They are available in most drugstores.

Also, it would be extremely beneficial to make an appointment with your regular physician or a specialist if you have hair loss caused by lupus or an autoimmune disease. The same goes for thyroid disorders as this can also cause hair loss. These are all treatable conditions, and knowing the cause of your hair loss is important to establish the correct treatment.

What Is The Best Treatment For Female Pattern Hair Loss?

There is no single best treatment for female pattern hair loss. Instead, there are a number of options that may be effective in slowing or stopping hair loss and/or regrowing lost hair. The most suitable treatment for one woman may not be the best choice for another.

Hair loss can have a significant impact on how women feel about themselves. Hair loss may be associated with emotional problems. These include depression, denial, or feelings of unattractiveness. Some women report feeling more confident in social situations when they are able to wear their hair long.

A number of different drugs have been shown to slow hair loss and/or regrow lost hair in some women who are experiencing female pattern hair loss. These drugs fall into two main categories: 1) drugs that are only effective for women who experience male pattern hair loss, and 2) drugs that are effective for both male and female pattern hair loss.

The first category includes the testosterone-blocking drug, spironolactone (Aldactone). The second category includes the estrogen-blocking drug, finasteride (Propecia), and the anti-androgen drug, minoxidil (Rogaine). The only FDA-approved treatment for female pattern hair loss is minoxidil.

Does Female Pattern Hair Loss Get Worse?

There is a common misconception that female pattern hair loss (FPHL) gets worse with time. But this is not the case at all. In fact, if you have FPHL it’s likely going to remain stable for decades. On average, women with FPHL experience minimal loss or no change in their hair over time.

Clinical observations also confirm that FPHL doesn’t get worse. The number of hairs on your pillow in the morning doesn’t increase over time. Hair loss doesn’t increase in severity. The size of your hairline or frontal recession doesn’t increase with time. And the number of hairs on your comb after brushing remains constant over time.

In reality, FPHL is a very stable condition. In 95% of women, hair loss either slows down or stops altogether within 5-10 years of onset.

So why does FPHL feel like it’s getting worse? Unfortunately, hair loss isn’t the only symptom of FPHL. Many women experience increased shedding and temporary thinning as their hair goes through the transition from rest to growth (anagen) phase and back to resting (telogen) phase. This increased shedding can give the impression that hair loss is speeding up. But it’s not.

In fact, there’s a lot of evidence that FPHL is very stable over time. And most women with FPHL continue to experience minimal or no hair loss for decades after their initial diagnosis. So if you’re worried about hair loss getting worse, chances are you don’t need to be.

Please note: There’s no such thing as a hair loss ‘cure’. FPHL is a stable condition and the majority of women continue to experience minimal or no hair loss for decades after their initial diagnosis. The only way to permanently stop your hair loss is to address the root cause.

Male Pattern Hair Loss – Mens Hair Loss Specialist NYC Can Help

Male pattern hair loss is a progressive condition that results in gradual thinning of the scalp hair. A receding hairline and balding on the top of the head are common signs of male pattern baldness. This type of hair loss affects an estimated 50 million men in the United States with the average age for its onset being in the mid-20s.

The American Hair Loss Association states that male pattern baldness is caused by a combination of genetics and male hormones called androgens. Each hair on the human body has a growth cycle, which lasts between two and six years. The three phases of this cycle are anagen (the active phase), catagen (a transition phase), and telogen (the resting phase).

Hair growth begins in the anagen phase, which lasts two to six years. During this time the hair is actively growing. Once the anagen phase is complete, the hair enters into a catagen stage that lasts about one or two weeks where it will stop producing new cells. Lastly, the telogen phase is when the hair is dormant. It will stay in this stage for about three months, after which time the old hair will be pushed out by new growth and shed as a normal part of the cycle. However, with male pattern baldness, these hairs are lost more rapidly than they can be replaced resulting in thinning hair or complete hair loss.

Hair loss related to male pattern baldness is caused by a complicated interaction between dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase and genetics. DHT is a hormone that binds with receptors on the hair follicles and weakens them over time, resulting in thinning hair or hair loss. In men, the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone to DHT. Genetic factors determine whether an individual is more or less sensitive to this conversion and whether someone will have male pattern baldness.

According to the Mayo Clinic website, genetics play a role in male pattern hair loss. This means that if a parent has hair loss, a child will most likely inherit this trait. In fact, hair loss can be classified as an inherited condition according to the American Hair Loss Association.

In addition to genetics, age also plays a role in male pattern baldness with it being more common among older men. Expectant mothers and those that have experienced a traumatic event or significant stress may notice hair loss as well. The American Hair Loss Association states that physical changes such as those can cause fluctuations in hormones which may lead to temporary hair loss.

The good news is the medical community has found several ways to slow down and even treat hair loss due to male pattern baldness with medications like Propecia, finasteride, and Minoxidil.

Can You Stop Male-Pattern Baldness?

To date, there are not really any drugs that have been proven to stop male-pattern baldness. There are many agents that have been tried but, unfortunately, none of these has lived up to expectations. So far, the only successful approach for stopping hair loss in men is using either Minoxidil (trade names include Regaine, Loniten) or Finasteride (marketed as Proscar, Propecia), but both of these come with their own sets of risks and side effects.

Minoxidil is a drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat high blood pressure. It was noticed that men who were taking this drug also had more hair on their heads and thus a topical solution was developed. The mechanism of action for this drug is poorly understood but it appears that there may be an effect on the cellular metabolism of dermal papilla cells (specialized cells in the skin found in hair follicles) where Minoxidil influences such factors such as energy production, cell shape, cell size, and hormone receptors.

Minoxidil is now available as a 2% topical solution to treat male-pattern baldness. It works very well initially but after 12 months of use, about half of the men who used it have stopped responding. The reason for this remains unknown but there are some suggestions that once hair follicles have been miniaturized, the development of new hair is impossible.

The second drug used to treat male-pattern baldness is Finasteride. This agent has a different mode of action compared to Minoxidil but inhibits similar enzymes called 5-alpha reductase which convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This drug has been shown to be effective in the treatment of male pattern baldness but should not be used by people who are trying to conceive children as it can cause birth defects if a female is exposed to it during pregnancy. In addition, there have been some cases where men taking this drug have developed muscle pain and weakness which should resolve when they stop taking the drug.

The bottom line is that pharmaceutical treatments can work for male-pattern baldness but they are not risk-free. So far, there are no proven options to stop hair loss through research continues in this area. Apart from using these drugs, another approach that has been tried is hair transplantation surgery where hair follicles are taken from donor areas and transplanted to balding regions. This procedure can be successful in some individuals but the costs involved, both financial and psychological, have limited its widespread use.

One of the important research areas that have been under-investigated is hair growth promotion There are a number of plant extracts that have been shown to improve hair growth rate and/or hair follicle size. However, these have been tested mostly in-vitro or using animal models rather than being tested properly in humans. The take-home message from the research to date is that there are a number of interesting candidates which may one day lead to a solution for stopping baldness.

Given that male pattern baldness is so common, it would be great if there was a cure or better treatment options for this condition. We all dream of the day where we can put away our hats and not have to worry about covering up our bald spots!

Does Male-Pattern Baldness Make You Bald?

Baldness, or alopecia, is one of the most common conditions suffered by men in this country. According to the American Hair Loss Association, two-thirds of all men will suffer from some degree of hair loss by age 35. And by age 50, approximately 85 percent of men have significantly thinning hair. But baldness does not make you bald.

Male-pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is the most common type of hair loss in men, and its cause is genetic. This condition can occur at any age, but people with this type of hair loss typically start to notice it in their early twenties. For reasons that are not completely understood, male-pattern baldness takes a characteristic “path” that results in progressively thinning hair. The susceptible scalp area becomes increasingly sensitive to androgens such as testosterone (yes, males produce both sex hormones). Androgens attach to receptor sites on the hair follicle and make it shrink or miniaturize. This results in shorter and smaller hairs over time. Eventually, people with male-pattern baldness start to lose hair from the top of their heads as well as from the temples and crown.

The hair loss pattern for female-pattern balding is similar but generally less extensive. It begins later in life (average age 60) and progresses more slowly, often resulting instead in diffuse thinning of the hair.

As with other types of baldness, male-pattern baldness is more likely to occur in people who have a family history of this condition. The American Hair Loss Association also notes that some studies suggest an association between male-pattern baldness and coronary heart disease (but there currently is no consensus on this point).

The good news is that male-pattern baldness is treatable, so you can fight back if this condition becomes a problem for you. Topical medications are available to slow the progression of hair loss and stimulate new growth. If these treatments do not provide enough benefit, doctors will sometimes prescribe Propecia or Rogaine, both of which are available only by prescription. Another option is hair transplant surgery, in which doctors surgically move hair around on your scalp to fill in thinning areas.

Male-pattern baldness is not the same as alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that can cause sudden patchy or total hair loss anywhere on the body. Scarring alopecia is another type of hair loss that can affect men and women, but it does not follow a typical pattern.

Rogaine For Hair Loss In NYC

Rogaine is a topical solution that is applied to the scalp and contains minoxidil, which has been used in medicine for more than three decades. Rogaine was developed as an oral drug called Loniten, which was prescribed to treat high blood pressure. It soon became apparent that people taking the medication were growing hair in new places.

Rogaine works by extending the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle and prolonging the telogen (resting) phase. Essentially, it slows down the rate at which hair is lost, and this can result in increased levels of visible hair on the scalp. Results may take up to four months and need to be sustained to maintain results.

How Effective Is Rogaine?

Rogaine is an effective way to slow down hair loss and perhaps stimulate some eyebrow or facial hair growth. It won’t produce miraculous results, nor will it restore all your lost hair. But you may be able to retain more youthful-looking hair for longer than if you do nothing about your thinning hair.

Does Rogaine Really Work?

This is a very common question that many people ask when they first start using rogaine. Most of the time, they are just not sure if rogaine will produce real results for them or simply waste their time and money.

The good news is that for most people with thinning hair caused by genetic factors, it does work to some degree. However, there are some things that you need to know before using it effectively.

For one, most people with thinning hair are looking for something they can use on a daily basis without side effects. This is an important aspect of “engaging” the active ingredients in rogaine to produce real results. If you do not follow the correct procedure, you may not see any changes at all. Remember to read the instructions and follow the guidelines as given by your doctor.

Another important aspect is simply committing to using it for a few months and following up on its use. You need to continue using rogaine for several months before you can actually see any results, especially if you’re a first-time user. It takes some patience, but if you stick with it and use the product as it should be used, you can finally get your hair to grow back!

Will Rogaine Work For Me?

Rogaine is effective for people with genetic factors that cause thinning of the hair over time. In addition, it may prove effective for people experiencing thinning hair due to menopause, or due to other conditions that may cause excessive hair loss. However, there are many factors that affect the outcome of the effectiveness of rogaine.

For example, will you continue using it? Most people do not use rogaine consistently every day as they should. If you miss applying it one day, that may affect your results. Also, the dosage you are currently using may be too low for your hair loss condition. It is important to talk with your doctor about increasing the dosage if necessary.

Finally, there is some evidence that many of these types of problems can appear in people who use minoxidil for hair loss. This is an ingredient found in rogaine, so it may be difficult to tell if your problem lies with the user or the product itself.

It is important to note that even though these problems can occur with this type of medication, there are other side effects that are rarely seen. For example, headaches or the feeling of a rapid heartbeat are very rare side effects.

It is rare that rogaine causes skin irritations or other negative reactions in most people who use it. However, there is one additional problem that has been found to occur with men and women who use this product: excessive facial hair growth. Women who experience this may be able to deal with this by using a different hair loss product or simply shaving the hair as it begins to grow. However, men with such problems may elect to stop using rogaine as a permanent solution.

Does rogaine work? Yes, although not for all people and conditions, it does work for many individuals who suffer from chronic thinning hair.

Does rogaine work for women? Yes, it’s equally effective in both genders.

How A Dermatologist Hair Loss Specialist NYC Can Help

What will a dermatologist do for my hair loss? Dermatologists are skin experts, but they can also help to diagnose and treat hair loss. Some dermatologists focus specifically on the treatment of scalp disorders, including alopecia areata (AA), lichen planopilaris (LPP), folliculitis decalvans, dissecting cellulitis/folliculitis, fungal infections, scalp psoriasis, and scarring hair loss conditions. They can also treat all other types of hair loss, even if they are not specifically trained to do so.

What Will A Dermatologist NOT Do For My Hair Loss?

Most doctors cannot cure genetic balding, although they can work with transplant surgeons who often use the doctor’s medical expertise in properly diagnosing patients. Dermatologists are not qualified to prescribe or distribute prescription medications that claim to stop or reverse hair loss. They also should never diagnose or prescribe therapy for hair loss over the phone.

Always seek medical advice for your hair loss problems, but be aware that many doctors are simply not well-informed about this subject, so be prepared to do some research on your own and take charge of your health care. Educate yourself to recognize misguided advice when you encounter it. With the exception of scalp disorders and scarring hair loss conditions, most adult hair loss can be diagnosed and treated effectively with over-the-counter (OTC) medications.

I Think I Have A Scalp Disorder. What Should I Do?

If you have been diagnosed with a scalp disorder or have symptoms such as redness, scaling, or intense itching, it’s important to seek medical treatment. Scalp disorders can be very difficult to diagnose and treat without the assistance of a dermatologist.

I Think I Have Genetic Balding. What Should I Do?

If you suspect you are losing your hair because of male- or female-pattern baldness (genetic balding), see a dermatologist experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss. This type of balding is not caused by scalp disorders or other health problems, so an over-the-counter medication won’t stop it.

Which Type Of Dermatologist Should I See For My Hair Loss?

Any dermatologist will be able to help you with your hair loss. Some dermatologists focus specifically on the treatment of scalp disorders, including alopecia areata (AA), lichen planopilaris (LPP), folliculitis decalvans, dissecting cellulitis/folliculitis, fungal infections, scalp psoriasis, and scarring hair loss conditions. Other dermatologists choose not to treat hair loss at all. This is usually because they are not trained to do so, or don’t have the time to devote to these patients. A good first step would be to find a dermatologist in your area who specializes in hair loss.

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