Why Tanning Is Bad For You

During the much longed-for summer months, people work on their tans. While enjoying a richer skin tone now, tanners take huge risks for premature aging and skin cancer. Sun and artificial tanning It’s what we use to get those tans. But, did you know that when you tan, you actually burn the top layer (epidermis) … Continued

Skin Cancer Prevention

With the warmer months just around the corner you may be getting ready to plan some fun in the sun. The summertime always finds children spending hours outside playing, as well as beach-filled family vacations, backyard barbeques, and more days just spent soaking up some much-needed vitamin D. While it can certainly be great for … Continued

Protecting Yourself from the Sun

Too much exposure to sunlight can be harmful to your skin. Dangerous ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet A (UVA) rays damage skin, which leads to premature wrinkles, skin cancer and other skin problems. People with excessive exposure to UV radiation are at greater risk for skin cancer than those who take careful precautions to protect … Continued

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