Is your workout causing your acne?

Prevent acne: To remove sweat during a workout, use a clean towel and gently pat the sweat from your skin. Do you suspect that your workout is causing (or worsening) your acne? You could be right. If your workout is the culprit, you don’t have to stop exercising. You can continue to play sports, take … Continued

10 things to try when acne won’t clear

Popping a pimple: While this may seem like the fastest way to get rid of a blemish, popping often worsens acne. Do you feel you’ve tried just about everything to get rid of your acne but still see blemishes? Don’t despair. To see clearer skin, you probably just need to make some changes. The following … Continued

6 rosacea skin care tips dermatologists give their patients

Even if you’re already treating your rosacea, the right skin care can make a noticeable difference. A rosacea friendly skin care routine can: Help your skin feel more comfortable Improve the results you see from treatment Boost your skin’s overall health Reduce rosacea flare-ups To help patients who have rosacea with skin care, dermatologists offer … Continued

How long can I take an antibiotic to treat my acne?

You can reduce the amount of time you need to take an antibiotic by using all of the medicine in your treatment plan and gentle skin care. Acne isn’t an infection, but an antibiotic can provide real relief from deep, painful breakouts. Certain antibiotics like doxycycline (dox-ē-cyc-lean) and erythromycin (eh-rith-row-my-cin) can reduce the amount of … Continued

8 things to know if you’re diagnosed with rosacea

If you’re diagnosed with rosacea, there’s a lot you can do to relieve your discomfort and prevent flare-ups. Were you recently diagnosed with rosacea? If so, you may be wondering what to do next. Here are 8 tips that dermatologist give their patients with rosacea to help them control the condition and feel more comfortable. … Continued

Back acne: How to see clearer skin

To reduce acne flares on your back, dermatologists recommend wearing sweat-wicking (or loose-fitting cotton) clothes when working out. If you have acne on your back, or “bacne” as some people call it, you don’t have to wait for it to clear on its own. Treatment and the right skin care can help you see clearer … Continued

Does drinking cause rosacea?

While drinking may play a role in causing rosacea, people who never drink alcohol can develop this common skin condition. Research suggests that drinking alcohol may increase a person’s risk of getting rosacea. A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology concluded that the women who drank alcohol had a higher … Continued

7 reasons to treat acne early

Treating acne early can clear the skin, which may prevent acne scars, worsening acne, or years of living with acne. If your teen or pre-teen has acne, you may decide to let the acne run its course. The most-effective strategy, however, may be to treat acne when it first appears. Here are 7 science-backed reasons … Continued

Does rosacea increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke?

You can find out whether you have a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke by seeing your primary care doctor for a checkup. There’s still no straightforward answer to this question. Findings from a few studies suggest the answer is yes. Other studies have not found that rosacea increases the risk. These … Continued

Acne can affect more than your skin

Acne can feel so distressing that you just want to hide your face from the world. For many people who have acne, the skin disease affects more than their appearance. Acne can take a toll on one’s emotional health. Researchers have found in study after study that people with acne can also develop: Depression Anxiety … Continued

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