We can help you get your psoriasis under control.

If you’ve been living with psoriasis, then you know how uncomfortable symptoms can get. That’s why you must have a trusted dermatologist that can provide you with a treatment plan that helps get your psoriasis symptoms under control. Our dermatologist Dr. Gilberto Alvarez has helped countless patients get a handle on their psoriasis symptoms. Find out more about psoriasis and how our Tribeca, NY, dermatology team can treat your symptoms:

What is psoriasis? 

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder that causes the skin cells to produce at a rapid rate. This increase in cell turnover results in itchy, scaly red patches of skin that may also be inflamed. While these patches can develop just about anywhere on the body, they are more likely to develop on the knees, elbows, scalp, and back. Symptoms range from mild to severe and most people will experience flare-ups with bouts of remission.

How is psoriasis treated? 

While psoriasis does manifest into unpleasant and embarrassing dermatological symptoms it is important to keep in mind that it is caused by a dysfunction within the immune system. Common treatment options for psoriasis include,

  • Lifestyle changes: determining symptom triggers such as stress, cold weather, or smoking is important for knowing what triggers to avoid to reduce flare-ups
  • Topical medications: this includes everything from corticosteroid ointments to retinoids and salicylic acid
  • Light therapy: UVB light therapy may be effective for treating moderate-to-severe forms of psoriasis
  • Oral or injectable medication: this includes everything from steroids and retinoids to immunosuppressant drugs such as methotrexate or cyclosporine
  • Supplements and alternative therapies: essential oils and certain supplements and creams can alleviate itching, inflammation, and scaling

The type of treatment plan that our Tribeca, NY, dermatologist will create for managing your psoriasis will depend on the severity of your symptoms and what treatments you’ve tried in the past. You may require multiple medications or treatment options to see effective results. While there is no cure for psoriasis, we can help you get your symptoms under control.

If you are tired of dealing with psoriasis symptoms and aren’t getting relief through your current treatments, our Tribeca, NY, dermatology team can help. Call Downtown Dermatology at (212) 233-2995 to schedule a consultation today.

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