Acne impacts people of all ages, and if you are struggling with stubborn whiteheads, blackheads, and cysts, Downtown Dermatology in Tribeca can help. Here, your dermatologists, Dr. Gilberto Alvarez Del Manzano and Dr. Shari Marchbein, can help you find the best way to treat your acne and obtain healthy skin.

Just what is acne?

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by repeated flare-ups and remissions. Best known for its whiteheads, blackheads, reddened papules, and cysts, acne affects millions in the US. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common chronic skin disease among Americans. While a majority of sufferers are adolescents, many are adults, as well.

What causes acne?

Acne blemishes happen when skin pores become blocked with oil or sebum. Blemishes appear on the face, neck, chest, and shoulders. Sometimes the lesions become infected, sore and red, compounding the embarrassment and even depression that develops among acne patients.

Your dermatologists are very aware of the psychological side effects of acne. They work carefully with their Tribeca patients to give them the comprehensive and individualized care they need for healthier skin and brighter outlooks.

Caring for your acne

Care works best when it includes common-sense management, medications, and in-office interventions. Experts recommend never squeezing acne pimples, twice daily washing with your fingertips and a gentle acne wash or mild soap, keeping your hands off your face, and routinely shampooing your hair. Your skin may also benefit from reducing your daily stress level.

Medications may include Tretinoin, a derivative of Vitamin A, benzoyl peroxide ointment, and hormone therapy (birth control pills). For severe, cystic lesions, surgical excision may be necessary, and infections need either oral or topical antibiotic therapy.

You can manage acne

At Downtown Dermatology in the Tribeca area, your dermatologists see scores of people struggling with acne, and they help them take the right steps for successful management. Take heart, and come see your skin doctors. Call the office for a consultation: (212) 233-2995.

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